Monday, April 23, 2012


1) Relate what was discussed in class or the text to the screening.

Stagecoach is western directed by John Ford in 1939. Stagecoach was directed in one of the greatest period in American movie making along with other films such as Citizen Kane, Gone With The Wind, Wizard of Oz, Smith Goes to Washington, Wuthering Heights, and Grapes of Wrath. Westerns weren't in favor amongst most movie genres, Ford was also told that it may ruin his career; however, it became a success and critics stated, "Its success singlehandedly revitalized the moribund genre, showing that Westerns could be "intelligent, artful, great entertainment—and profitable”. Stagecoach was a film about a group of people taking a trip to Tonto to Lordsburgh. Within this long journey heading to Lordsburg the characters changed from how they were in the beginning.

2) Find a related article (on the film, directed, studio, actor/actress, artistic content, etc.) You can use the library or the Internet. Cite the article or copy the url to your journal entry. Summarize in your own words the related article but do not plagiarize any content.

The article I found online summarized each character that went on the journey to Lordsburg and the role they played in the movie. The main characters are Dallas who's known as a hooker who has been out casted out of town by the higher class of women in the town. Lucy Mallory is the wife officer waiting for her in Lordsburg. Hatfield is the gambler who has a thing for Lucy. Dr. Boone who is an alcoholic. Mr. Peacock the salesman. Gatewood is a banker who stole money from his bank and is on the run. Buck is the driver. Sheriff sits besides Buck throughout the trip, while keeping an eye on Ringo, who is an outlaw.

3) Relate the article to the screening
The article I found online breaks down the role of each character. While it explains the role they played it also explains how diverse each character was throughout the journey and how they were amongst one another. It also states how this western became a template for other westerns to come. Not only was it a western but it also incorporated action, drama, and humor as well.

4) Write a critical analysis of the film
Although critics rated Stagecoach as one of the best movies of its time, I thought it was really boring and started off very slow. Maybe due to the fact that I personally don't prefer to watch westerns, but the action didn't really take place until the end. Towards the end there was a shoot out with the passengers and the Indians, and after that they made it to there destination. I wouldn't watch the movie again and nor will I recommend it.

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